About Me

Deep down I’ve always believed I could be a writer but I knew this was just a dream of the heart. I still resonate with my high school teacher’s heartfelt rendition of Wilfred Owen’s; ‘Dulce et Decorum est’ and remember brimming with pride when one of my own war poems was read out in front of the whole school. I was fascinated by Shakespeare and learned of soliloquies and dramatic irony. Somewhere along the way though I discovered a flair for science and mathematics the realms of logic and calculated probabilities. Everyone could be creative but only a few would ever achieve that dream. The likelihood of achieving success through my intellect was a smarter sensible decision. Yet still the heart keeps calling.

I don’t know where this blog will take me but then that is part of the appeal. As children we are explorers, wide eyed discoverers and then we step through youth to embark on adulthood dreaming of happiness, fame and fortune or righting the world’s woes. Sometimes in the toil of the daily grind the dreams slowly dimmer and fade. We forget to believe in magic, in serendipity. I too stopped dreaming but I always knew the magic was there, mainly thanks to my partner a talented artist who kept showing me a different way. I just had to make a change to get away from old habits and procrastination. That change is now afoot.

Perhaps this is just an individual journey and the only audience will be self discovery. I do know that I’ve started writing again and I hope that someday someone who is about to embark on the same journey will resonate with some of the things written here and it will help make their travel a little more meaningful.

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